We have tried to answer all the most frequently asked questions below. And there is a ‘User Guide’ video that you can watch by clicking here. If you still can’t find the answer to your question, please email us using our contact form.

Choosing Pivotal

Is the Pivotal Recovery programme credible, can I trust it?

The Pivotal Recovery Programme has been developed, written and recorded by Dr Paula Hall and is  based on the latest addiction research and her extensive experience working with clients both one-to-one and in group settings.

Here’s just some of the feedback we’ve had from users

“This course will help you and give you hope. It has saved me.” 

“Pivotal has changed my life and my way of thinking.”

“Best decision of my life”

“If you put in the time and work it could literally change your life for the better, it’s your choice.”

“For me signing up for Pivotal Recovery was one of the best choices I’ve ever made.”

Do I have to complete the programme in consecutive days, is there a time limit?

No, consecutive days don’t work for everyone and feeling rushed won’t help you get the most out of the course. It’s best to commit to a regular routine that works for you. You need time to listen, digest, process and then move on – that could be 3 or 4 times a week, or maybe it will just be week days or weekends. The important thing is ensuring you finish it. Of course, the less frequently you log in, the longer it will take to complete, but going at your own pace is key.

What if I have other problems I need to work on, like depression or anxiety – what should I work on first, or can I tackle both at the same time?

Many people who struggle with addiction also struggle with other mental health problems and challenges. In fact, these issues are usually very closely connected. For example, you feel anxious so you look at porn to help you relax, but looking at porn makes you feel more anxious. Because of this cycle it’s essential that you work on both issues at the same time. We talk about this throughout the podcast programme so you will find lots of information to help you with your wider mental health as well as your addiction.

Can I be sure that my personal information and workbook entries will be secure?

Rest assured, your workbook can only be accessed by you. There is a share facility in the workbook, if you want to share the content with a healthcare professional you are working with. But this is your choice and totally in your control.  Any personal log in details required to access the members area are fully protected under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and Pivotal does not hold or store any payment details used at purchase.

I’m already working with a therapist; can I complete the Pivotal Recovery programme at the same time?

Yes absolutely, in fact lots of therapists recommend our course. Working through this with a therapist can help you to get even more out of the programme, as you can talk in depth about the bits that resonate with you and your therapist might help you to dig deeper and maintain momentum.

Who is Dr Paula Hall?

Dr Paula Hall has been supporting people struggling to beat porn & compulsive sexual behaviours for over 20 years, providing a wide range of therapy, training and support services. As founder of the Laurel Centre, she’s built a successful practice and a large team of therapists in the UK, with others delivering her proven methodology around the world.

Paula has also authored several books and peer-reviewed academic papers. She is regularly invited to appear on National TV & radio, as well as in newspapers and magazines to lend an expert opinion on issues around porn and sex addiction.

You can find both Pivotal Recovery and the Laurel Centre on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where we regularly share useful content, company news and updates of Paula’s press and media activity.

Is Pivotal an abstinence programme? Will I have to stop masturbation?

Many people think that giving up porn means giving up masturbation, but that’s not the Pivotal approach. We believe that masturbation can be a positive part of sexuality, assuming of course it fits with your values. Pivotal is a sex-positive treatment approach which means we’ll help you establish what positive sexuality means to you and how you can enjoy it. And we will explain how ‘mindful’ masturbation can become part of your sex life, without triggering you into unwanted behaviours.

Is this course suitable for men and women?

Yes absolutely.  Pivotal has been written to be equally as relevant, and effective for people regardless of how they identify their gender. The programme is also suitable for people of any sexual orientation and any relationship status. Pivotal is an affirmative programme which means we validate and support Gender Sexual & Relationship Diversity (GSRD).

How do I know if I am addicted to sex and/or porn?

If your sexual behaviours are having a negative impact on your life, for example on your relationships, your work life, your finances, or other important commitments, then it could have developed into an addiction. Especially if you’ve tried to stop and failed. Our anonymous assessment can help you decide if you have a problem, and what action to take.

Life in recovery

I’d like to revisit the content in future, how can I do that?

One of the best things about the Pivotal Recovery course is you have lifetime access to the content. You can listen to the podcasts whenever you want to, and of course, you will always have your workbook to return to. If you haven’t logged in in over a year, your account may be removed from the system, but don’t worry, we’ll let you know before that happens.

We’re also working on a new version of our members area which will allow you to download the podcasts so you can have them accessible for ever – keep an eye on the site for more information over the coming months

I’ve completed the course, but feel I need more support, what should I do?

For many people completing the Pivotal Recovery course is the start of the journey, not the end.  One of the best ways to maintain recovery is to share the journey with someone else. For example, a therapist will be able to continue working with you on the underlying issues surrounding your addiction and can offer you a place of accountability. Alternatively, joining an online recovery group programme might work best for you. You can find both therapists and online options at the Laurel Centre (also founded and run by Paula).

There are also online communities provided by porn blocking apps like ReMojo and local 12-step groups such as Sex Addicts Anonymous or Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous who can provide weekly support. If your relationship is struggling, do also think about local services such as Relate.

In addition to professional help, please reach out to family and friends – you may be surprised how willing they’ll be to support you.

Payments & pricing

How do I know my payment has been successful?

You will receive an email receipt for your payment to Pivotal Recovery. Please check your spam/junk folder if this does not appear in your inbox. All our payments are processed securely through Stripe and Pivotal Recovery does not receive, hold or store any of your card details.

Your payment will appear on your card statement under PIVOTAL.

What is your refund policy?

Because we offer instant access to the entire course content, we cannot offer refunds. However, we do offer a free taster session, so you can ensure the programme is right for you before you make a purchase.

Do you offer student discount or other concessionary prices?

We are a not-for-profit organisation and created the Pivotal Recovery Programme to offer low-cost help to all those struggling with porn addiction and sex addiction. At this time, we do not offer discounted or concessionary prices however, we hope that by pricing the programme as low as we can and offering the option to spread payments over 3 months, makes it accessible to almost everyone.

If you’re a mental health professional working with students or others with limited finances, do get in touch with us about our referral packages.


What benefits or commercial agreements do you offer for referral partners?

One of the goals of Pivotal Recovery is to collaborate and work closely with other agencies and organisations that want to help people affected by sex and porn addiction. We offer a number of different options so please do contact us and we can talk about an agreement that will work best for you.

Is your course suitable for offenders?

Regrettably we know that some people with compulsive sexual behaviours cross the line into online offending. Pivotal Recovery will help users consider the consequences of their behaviour on themselves and others and gain understanding of what might be going on underneath and driving the behaviour. Pivotal will also provide concrete and effective relapse prevention strategies to give confidence that the line will never be crossed again. Pivotal is not suitable for people who have committed contact sex offences, nor is it an alternative to professional risk assessment.  Please note – Pivotal cannot provide any reporting on people’s engagement with the service.

If you are a probation officer or work in other offender services and would like to discuss opportunities to work more closely together, we’d love to hear from you.

I’m a therapist / mental health practitioner – what’s the best way to recommend the programme to my clients, and can I continue to support them whilst they complete it?

If you have patients or clients who would like to try Pivotal, simply give them the details of the website and tell them to click the ‘Start Now’ link which will take them to the sign-up page.  You can assure them that the service is completely anonymous and confidential and their information will not be shared with any third party.

Technical troubleshooting

Can I download the podcast audios to listen offline?

Yes you can. There is a download button on the play control bar of every podcast..

I’ve forgotten my log in details – what do I do?

Simply go to PivotalRecovery.org, click on the log in button in the main menu, and select the ‘Forgot Password’ button. Enter the email address that you used to create your account and we’ll send you instructions to reset your password.

My payment was successful but I haven’t received any further information, how do I get started?

Once your payment is complete, you will automatically be taken to the members area of our website where you can access the course content. You can access this area anytime by visiting PivotalRecovery.org and signing in using the email address and password you entered during the purchase process.

You will also receive a confirmation email with a log in link, and another email containing your receipt. Please check your spam/junk folder if these do not appear in your inbox.

Take your first step to recovery

Frequently asked questions

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