Why connection with others is key to recovery from sex and porn addiction
When we’re stuck in a shame-spiral of sex or porn addiction, the idea of connecting with others and sharing our struggles can seem daunting. But here’s why it could be the key to unlocking a happier and more positive future in recovery.
Should I stop masturbating when recovering from sex or porn addiction?
Can I be in recovery and still masturbate? Will masturbating trigger my addiction? What about mindful masturbation?
How to help your partner through your sex or porn addiction recovery
Discovering a partner has a sex or porn addiction is a devastating and traumatic experience. It is important to understand the impact of this and support them. So how can you help your partner through your addiction recovery journey?
Shame in sex and porn addiction
Shame is probably one of the most painful and devastating consequences of sex and porn addiction, and it can be one of the greatest barriers to recovery. But where does it come from and how can we overcome it?
Sexual diversity and addiction
Is sex addiction different if you’re gay? Do lesbians get addicted to porn? Does being in an open relationship mean you’re a sex addict?
Female sex addiction
It’s not just men who struggle with sex and porn addiction. Of those that do struggle, an estimated 30% are women.
Sex addiction and sex offending
Sex addiction and sex offending are often confused, and while there are some similarities, there are also significant differences.
How recovery improves your sex life
Being in recovery from sex and porn addiction, or compulsive sexual behaviours, means giving up your unwanted behaviour, not giving up sex.
How to stop unwanted sexual behaviours
Stopping compulsive sexual behaviours is best done when you can recognise your own unique cycle of addiction. This article covers my ‘six phase cycle of addiction’, the goal to beating sex addiction is to be able to personalise the cycle and stop it in its tracks.
How having a vision will help you beat porn addiction
There are two ways of looking at addiction recovery - either you can focus on giving something up, or you can focus on starting something new.
Can I beat porn addiction?
The decision to stop watching porn compulsively or overcome sex addiction is basically a choice. But before you can make that choice you have to root out any faulty thinking patterns and beliefs that might be blocking your ability to recognise it as a choice.
Welcome to a brand new way of beating porn addiction
You may have tried other methods in the past but had no success, or this may be the first time you’ve looked for help. Either way what you’ll find here is something that is accessible, affordable and anonymous.
How to overcome porn addiction, sex addiction and compulsive sexual behaviour disorder
One of the challenges of addiction recovery is that it sounds like it should be so easy - you just stop.
Take your first step to recovery
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